All about my Gaming Stuff, CRT Monitor, Handheld, Controller, Converter, Video Enhancement and Related

Friday, January 27, 2023

How to Charging Canon Powershot G7X Mark III but with Battery Inserted

Canon Powershot G7X Mark III is my first camera that i use for capturing CRT/Monitor/Handheld Monitor. But somehow for charging it looks complicated, you need to take out battery and charge with battery charger.

Canon G7X Mark III

 When put directly USB Cable to Power charger it will not charging in anyway.

USB C and USB A charger

There's no light on Camera after plugging in the Power Charger.

No red Led, not charging.

But weird when using USB - C to USB-C, 2 USB-A and HDMI, like this:

The usb c from camera, plug in into usb c on usb c hub.

It's on, and charging.. :D, But when the camera is on, then you cannot charge simultaneously. But this is the easy way for charging if you forgot the battery charger.

Ok that's is it

Have a nice day.

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